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Jacqueline’s Junque



Americans have the right of free speech! We
enjoy the right to speak out when we disagree with
our government. I support this right and, like our
brave men and women in battle. would fight and die
to protect it. I do not believe this right extends to
attacking our country in a time of war using half
truths, lies and rhetoric that are not political dissent
but rather grabs for publicity and fame.

To the Michael Moore's of the world,
what gives you the right to talk badly about
our President? What gives you the right to
claim that the President actually wanted
war, as if your stupid assumption is automatically
correct? Tell me what gives you the right to
question the Supreme court of the United States
of America, claiming that the President was
selected rather than elected?

To the Barbara Streisand's and the Rosie O'Donnell's
out there, what gives you your right to say completely
untrue things about our government and get away
with it? How about the Susan Sarandon's
who speak in paid commercials, aiming
only to damage those they disagree with, and
having no constructive purpose?



You have what NO OTHER nation on earth enjoys,
the freedom to mindlessly attack our country without
the slightest concern of retribution! You can and do
speak without considering what effect your words
will have. You can and do speak out without concern
for ALL the facts! You also can and DO speak without
thinking past your narrow view of the world!
You have the legal RIGHT, but this does not
make your actions morally right!

None of these celebrities speak for the American
public. Most Americans support freeing the repressed
people of Iraq, and DO support OUR president, in
his efforts to avoid another attack on our great nation!

The mindless attacks these celebrities chose to level
against our country, HURT our ability to gain international
support, that perhaps could have helped to avoid a war.
Now that the war has begun these attacks HURT our
efforts and therefore our troops in the line of fire!

I listened as one of these fools spoke about his DUTY
to attack the President, saying that THIS is what so
many have fought and died to protect! It is sad what
the left wing in this country has come to! Our soldiers have
NEVER fought to protect the right to SLANDER,
LIE, and spew HALF TRUTHS in support of America's enemies!

All this HAS meaning. It means that even though
these idiots DO have a RIGHT to speak out, they do
not love and support America. It means they care more for the
publicity or the profit they will gain, (Dixie Chicks)
than for the soldiers that protect them.

For at least this American, it also means I will NOT
support them! I will not buy a CD, watch a film or
in any other way support these Anti-American leftists!
Those mentioned above are only a small sample of
the celebrities that are using their fame to attack
not only our President, but our great nation.
I urge everyone reading this to avoid supporting
any celebrity or person who attacks our country
not only in a time of war, but at any time!

It is one thing to speak out in oppostiion to a policy
or action of our government, it is quite another to
spew hate and lies for the purpose of causing political
damage to those you disagree with. It's time Americans
paid attention to the difference!

Let's teach these anti-American "stars" that we too
have freedom, and power. The power to create falling stars!


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Written By © 2002,
All Rights Reserved

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